Guide for Transferor

Listing a trade

In order to create a listing, the following information will be required:

  • Unique Agreement Identifier: The unique Capacity Agreement Number (CAN) associated with the agreement you want to trade.
  • Unique CMU Identifier: The Capacity Market Unit (CMU) ID associated with the CAN.
  • Agreement type: T-4 or T-1 auction type.
  • Delivery year: The delivery year of the Capacity Agreement. The delivery year runs from 1 October to 30 September. For example, the "2025 Delivery Year" will run from 1 October 2025 to 30 September 2026.
  • Clear price (£/kW/year): Auction clear price of the original Capacity Agreement.
  • Guide price (£/kW/year): Set by the transferor, the guide price is an indication of the value the transferor is willing for the transferee to retain.
  • Capacity (de-rated, MW): De-rated auction acquired capacity to be traded.
  • Transfer start date: Start date for which the transferee(s) needs to deliver capacity. If transferring for the whole delivery year, set the start date to 1st October of the delivery year.
  • Transfer end date: End date by which the transferee(s) needs to deliver capacity. If transferring for the whole delivery year, set the start date to 30th September of the delivery year +1.
  • Bidding close date: Date for when participants stop bidding. Note: The Transferor reserves the right to accept a bid before the bidding end date, and close the auction at any time.

List and Manage an Agreement

The following steps will take you through the process of listing an agreement:

  1. Navigate to Exchange > Create Listing to create your own listing for an agreement you want to trade.
  2. Complete all relevant fields, agree to the Exchange capacity market rules, and submit to the market once complete.
  3. The listing will then appear in the browse tab to the rest of the market. 
  4. To edit a listing or if you have incorrectly inputted a data point, please contact 
  5. If you click “view” on your listing once it has closed, you will be able to see actions against your listing, for example the number of bids received. 
  6. Please note, the actual bids will not be visible until bidding has closed. 

Decisioning a bid

  • Bids will not be visible to the transferor until bidding has closed. 
  • Transferors should decision bids in a timely manner, for example, within one week of the bid close date. 
  • The transferor may accept one or multiple bids.
  • The transferor should not leave bids un-decisioned. 
  • The transferor should not accept bids that exceed the listed capacity for trade.
  • If the total capacity list was not met, the transferor may re-list the trade with the new capacity. 

Registering the Trade

Once a trade has been agreed, both parties will be notified of the successful trade and must input the trade into the National Grid EMR portal for the trade to be registered.

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