Duplicating Asset Overrides

In this article we’ll look at how you can copy over and reuse qualification decisions made previously in previous competitions. For more detailed information on how to manually qualify or disqualify an asset please see the asset qualification.

What are ‘Competition Overrides’

We’ve previously talked about the System Operator Disqualification process after an asset automatically qualifies for a competition. In this feature, we’ve introduced the ability to re-use the decisions you’ve made in previous competitions around positively or negatively overriding assets to other competitions. For example, if you ran a competition in an area yesterday, and overrode several qualified assets to disqualify them, and you wish to run the same competition again, you can simply add that competitions reference in the Duplicate Asset Overrides column when creating your new upload. Then, when you check your qualified assets for that new competition, you’ll see those previous competition’s override decisions have been copied over.

Note - A positively overridden asset for a competition still in the qualification phase will show as Eligible. This asset will then be updated to Qualified once the competition, and bidding, opens

How do I use them?

Download the Competition template

IF this is a new competition:

  1. Go to Manage > Competitions.
  2. Select the 'Download latest template' button within the download files box.

IF this is for an existing competition:

  1. Go to Manage > Competitions.
  2. Select the 'Download existing competitions' button within the download files box.

Add the Competition to Reference Overrides

  1. IF new, fill in your competition as you normally would.
  2. In the Duplicate Asset Overrides column put in the competition ref of the competition you’d like to copy overrides from.

Upload file 

When you have created your competition upload the file using the button found in Manage > Competitions

To review any overrides you’ve copied over from previous competitions go to Manage > Qualified Assets and click Eligible/qualified assets to download the file. You'll be able to see all eligible and qualified assets and any override decisions you've made or copied over from a previous competition.

Changing System-Created Overrides

To update the system-created overrides that were created when you referenced a previous competition with that of a different competition do the following:

  1. Download your current competitions, via Manage > Competitions and clicking Download existing competitions.
  2. Remove the reference in the Duplicate Asset Overrides column.
  3. Add the new reference in the Duplicate Asset Overrides column.
  4. Re-upload that changed file via Manage > Competitions and the Choose File button.

To remove all system-created overrides completely do the following:

  1. Download your current competitions, via Manage > Competitions and clicking Download existing competitions.
  2. Remove the reference in the Duplicate Asset Overrides column.
  3. Re-upload that changed file via Manage > Competitions and the Choose File button.

Top Tips for Competition Overrides

Competition Overrides can help facilitate shorter turnaround competitions in multiple ways:

  1. If you wish to run a series of competitions over a week, similar to those you have run previously, then simply pick one of the previous competitions and use its reference in all of the new competitions.
  2. If you haven’t run a competition in this area but wish to make definitive qualification decisions before the run of competitions, you could run a visibility-only competition before the initial competitions, make any override decisions on assets you wish and then use this competition as the reference for all others.

Do you have additional qualification steps that aren’t currently accommodated in Piclo Flex? You can use the asset override duplication function to reduce repetition of your work over multiple competitions. Ensure you override all assets that do not meet your qualification requirements and you can copy these decisions to future competitions.

Be aware, when positively overriding an asset and copying their override to a new competition that this positive override will be copied over regardless of its initial eligible status.

Reviewing Previous Overrides

To find the correct competition to reference you can use the Asset Override report via Analytics > Asset Override report.

You can search on Competition Reference, Competition Name or on the Competition Open or Close dates.

Troubleshooting Errors

  • If you cannot see the overrides you are expecting in the Eligible/qualified asset file double check that the competition you’re referencing has the overrides in the first place. To do this go to Analytics > Asset Override report and check the asset overrides exist against the referenced competition.
  • The competition overrides feature does not create a permanent link between competitions. When you add in a reference to copy overrides this is only done once. Therefore if you were to create new overrides on the referenced competition after the creation of the secondary competition these will not transfer over.
  • Follow any suggestions presented where errors have occurred. This will require returning to the file that you just uploaded to cross reference the current bid data to the ‘asset row’ number which identifies which asset had an error.
    • The file will flag errors if you are referencing a competition that doesn’t exist
  • Once all errors have been addressed, save that file and reload it to the account using the upload bulk bids file process
  • If errors persist or it’s not clear what the solution is, do contact support@picloflex.com for help.

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