December 2024: Release summary

We're delighted to share the latest updates and enhancements on Piclo. Below is a summary of the recent changes:

Improving FSP Experience:

  1. Refined new competition email: now includes System Operator details and filters the Max dashboard and map enabling FSPs to view and engage with opportunities more effectively.

  1. 15 minute meter readings and settlement: For regions with quarter-hourly readings, FSPs can now upload meter readings via file and settlement calculations and pre-filled settlement template have been updated accordingly.

Key improvements for System Operators (SOs):

  1. Product Type Alignment: Introduced new product type option "Operational Utilisation & Scheduled Availability" in competition files to align with ENA (Energy Networks Association) standards.

  1. Scheduled Utilisation Dispatch: If enabled, SOs can now trigger dispatch workflows based on contract needs for specific days closer to need.

General improvements

  1. API Bug Fix for Competition API: endpoint /competitions/v1 now returns all competitions.
  2. Improved Settlement Support: Depending on market, FSPs only have a short timeframe to accept dispatches. With agreement by SO and FSP dispatches can be manually accepted by support.
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