Dispatch overview

This article provides a general overview of how dispatch works on Piclo, including how System Operators (SOs) manage dispatches and what Flexibility Service Providers (FSPs) need to know. It also explains key concepts, timelines, and best practices to ensure a smooth dispatch process.

What is Dispatch?

Dispatch refers to the process of instructing FSPs to activate their flexibility assets to meet specific network needs. This typically occurs in response to real-time or forecasted grid constraints.

Piclo’s platform supports two main types of dispatches:

  1. Planned Dispatches: Planned in advance for a specific time and duration, triggered at bid decision.
  2. Scheduled Utilisation: Triggered in response to immediate network events, based on awarded contracts. Learn more.
  3. Confirmed Dispatch Schedule: Dispatch schedules uploaded after bid decisions have been made, based on the awarded flexibility.

How Dispatch Works on Piclo

  1. Dispatch Signal

System Operators issue a dispatch instruction to an FSP via the Piclo platform. The instruction includes:

  • Start time and end time
  • Expected flexibility (kW)
  • Asset or MPAN group involved

Example dispatch instruction email and sample webhook.

  1. FSP Reviews and Confirms

If response is required, FSPs review the dispatch instruction in Piclo and either:

  • Accept the dispatch
  • Reject the dispatch
  • If neither accepted or rejected, dispatches expire
  1. Activation and Monitoring

Once accepted, FSPs activate their flexibility assets as instructed. Piclo tracks the performance of the assets through meter data submissions.

  1. Settlement

Dispatch performance is evaluated as part of the monthly settlement process, and payments (or penalties) are calculated based on the agreed terms. Learn more about Settlement and steps FSPs take.

Key Elements of Dispatch Configuration

Dispatch configurations can vary across markets. Below are the main elements that System Operators and FSPs need to consider:

  • Lead Time: How far in advance the dispatch instruction is issued.
  • Trigger - when is dispatch triggered - at decision or post award based on contract?
  • Acknowledgement: Do FSPs require to accept dispatch and within which timeframe e.g. 1h, 48h.
  • Baseline Methodology: The baseline against which performance is measured, such as historical data or pre-event nomination.
  • Flexibility Delivery Window: The duration for which the FSP is expected to deliver flexibility. Depending on lead time, the competition may need to be set up accordingly in HH during service windows.
  • Over- and Under-Delivery Rules: Whether penalties or rewards apply for exceeding or falling short of the required flexibility.

Managing dispatches

System Operators can see their scheduled and past dispatches via the "Operations" section on Piclo.

Stop instructions can be triggered and if enabled, new dispatch instructions triggered based on contracts.


  1. What happens if an FSP cannot deliver the requested flexibility?

If flexibility cannot be delivered as instructed, it’s important to notify the SO immediately via Piclo. Penalties may apply depending on market rules.

  1. Can dispatches be updated after being issued?

No, but stop instructions can be issued and new instructions triggered (if Scheduled Utilisation available)

  1. Where can I see a record of past dispatches?

Both SOs and FSPs can view past dispatch records in the “Past Dispatches” section of the Piclo platform. Related settlement events can be viewed in "Settlement section".

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