Welcome to Piclo


Piclo is the UK’s leading independent, multi-award-winning marketplace that connects Flexible Service Providers (FSPs) with various actors in the electricity markets to procure local flexibility services at scale. Our innovative software solutions make energy networks smarter, more flexible, and sustainable.

Our Mission

As our energy systems become cleaner, more distributed and diversified in response to the climate crisis, our grids come under more stress and face challenges in maintaining the delicate balance of supply and demand. Flexibility is recognised as an essential tool as we transition towards Net Zero. At Piclo, we are dedicated to developing solutions that address these challenges.

Our Vision

Piclo's vision is to streamline access to all energy markets, simplifying participation for Flexibility Service Providers (FSPs) and maximising the potential of flexible assets. By reducing the complexity and effort required to navigate multiple market platforms, Piclo aims to enhance market outcomes, support a significant increase in flexible assets, and accelerate the transition to a more efficient and competitive energy system​​​​.

Piclo Flex

Piclo Flex is the world’s first cloud-based platform designed for system operators to host and manage local flexibility markets, enabling efficient procurement of flexibility services. It has been instrumental in expanding flexibility markets globally. 

Piclo Max

Piclo Max, an evolution of Piclo Flex, focuses on Flexibility Service Providers (FSPs), offering a single interface to access multiple energy markets. This platform enhances the user experience by simplifying market participation and maximising portfolio potential with its SEE, CHOOSE, and ACT principles.

SEE better

See the value of your portfolio across multiple markets.

CHOOSE smarter

Easily optimise your asset value by making informed decisions.

ACT faster

Increase your asset revenue by implementing decisions quickly and efficiently.

Piclo Max also provides systematic access to multiple markets through APIs, enabling seamless integration with your existing technology stack.

Currently, Piclo Max is available only to UK FSPs, but we are actively working on expanding its availability globally in the near future. Piclo Max is not just a tool; it is a comprehensive solution that addresses the complexities of participating in diverse energy markets, empowering FSPs to maximise their potential and contribute effectively to a sustainable energy future.

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