Market Eligibility

For flexible service providers (FSPs) who are ready to participate in DSO Flex and would like to understand if they would be eligible, please use the following as guidance. 

Who Can Provide DSOs with Flexibility Services?

To provide DSO flexibility services, a company or organisation must:

  • complete and pass a DSO DPS process and the qualification steps
  • have assets owned by a registered company (incl. Charities, non-government organisations, community interest company, local government or council)
  • have suitable assets (such as located in the right area and able to provide the type of flexibility service)

DSO flexibility can be provided by assets that are connected to the networks and able to modify its generation or consumption patterns in response to a DSO signal. Examples can include: electric vehicles (EVs), batteries and demand-side response.

Do Assets Need to Be Operational?

Assets do not need to be operational in order to take part in a competition and win contracts. The asset can instead be planned to be operational by the time the flexibility would be required, depending on the competition type and qualification requirements.  There are 5 different asset statuses that can be used within Piclo Flex, please see further details within asset status, type and capacity.

Which DSO’s are Available to Work With?

Piclo currently works with a number of DSOs. For further details and useful documentation and resources on the DSO’s we are currently working with, please visit the DSO Profiles.

Who is eligible to participate in the Piclo Flex marketplace?

The following eligibility criteria should be noted before signing up to Piclo Flex: 

  • Commercial asset holders and business driven asset holders such as owners ofEV battery storage are permitted to participate in the Piclo Flex marketplace
  • Residential asset holders or retail energy customers are not permitted to participate in competitions advertised on Piclo Flex, however they can have their asset(s) managed by an energy aggregator on their behalf. Energy aggregators are entitled to participate in the Piclo Flex marketplace

Ready to start providing flexibility? The following links will help with the next steps:

Process Overview for Flexible Service Providers

Register for a Flexible Service Provider Account

Adding and Managing Assets

Piclo Academy: Introduction to Eligibility and Qualification

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