Asset Eligibility and Qualification

As a Flexibility Service Provider (FSP), once registered and with assets uploaded, the next step is to make sure those assets are eligible and, successfully qualified.

From September 2023, Piclo requires assets to upload capacity using four fields, which are then summed to two directions mentioned in this article, ‘Active Import’ and ‘Active Export’. Please consult this article for further information

In this article

Automatic Assessment

As soon as assets are uploaded, they are automatically assessed by Piclo and qualify if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • Within geographical boundaries (including within the boundary buffer if set by the System Operator (SO).
  • Connected to compatible voltage levels.
  • Has compatible capacity for the need (e.g. 'Active export' or 'Reactive Import').
  • Uploaded before qualification close deadline.
  • Connected FSP has been approved on company qualification (if required by SO). 

View Eligible Assets 

Using the map - To see if an asset is eligible, select the relevant competition via the map or using the list of the right hand side of the map.

Hover over the relevant asset to view the tooltip. At the bottom, it will state whether the asset is eligible or not. A reason(s) will also be provided.

Using the list - To see a list of qualifying assets on the map page for a specific competition, select the relevant competition via the map or list (on the right hand side). 

At the bottom of the competition information (right hand column), select ‘qualifying assets’ for this selected competition, including details of the available capacity and asset category.

Using the list - To see a list of eligible assets on the map page for a specific competition, select the relevant competition via the map or list (on the right hand side).

At the bottom of the competition information (right hand column), select eligible assets’ for this selected competition, including details of the available capacity and asset category.

Please note that the buffer boundary (one of the potential qualification criterias) can be viewed via the map if set by the SO. This is displayed as a lighter colour surrounding the main competition boundary, as seen in the two above screenshots.

Competition Qualification

Once an asset has been automatically assessed by Piclo, it is important to complete the next step of qualification in order to inform the SO. Read full details on how to complete this step on competition qualification

Eligible Assets File

Any asset that is automatically assessed as eligible by the above criteria is then included in a file of ‘eligible/qualified assets’ which is accessible by the relevant SO for the purposes of a more technical qualification process.The file also includes the status of 'confirmed', 'withdrawn', or 'unknown', associated with the confirmation entry's status, and it distinguishes between operational and planned assets.

If an asset continues to pass the technical assessment by the SO, then the FSP will receive an automatic email from Piclo once bidding is open and their assets will be shown as qualified.

System Operator Disqualification Process

Via the 'eligible/qualified assets' file, the SOs have the ability to override the status of an asset, from ‘eligible’ to ‘disqualified’. A reason has to be provided and this is visible via the asset tooltip on the map (select on a competition and hover over the relevant asset to view the tooltip). If this is the case, you will be informed via email from Piclo and will not be able to bid into a competition with the disqualified asset(s).

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